Native Musketmen Auxiliary (ETW unit)

Native Musketmen Auxiliary
Native Musketmen Auxiliary
Category: Infantry
Class: Irregulars
Men: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80
Range: 90
Accuracy: 35
Reloading skill: 15
Ammunition: 15
Melee attack: 8
Charge bonus: 6
Defence: 3
Morale: 6
Turns to train: 1
Recruitment cost: 800
Upkeep cost: 200
Building (minimum level)
European, Middle Eastern
Etw eu city government lvl22.png

Governor's Residence
Etw ind city government lvl2.png

Thakur's Court

These tribesmen are willing to fight for European gold, and a musket apiece.

A musket is a status symbol among the tribes, even though it is not as useful in a fight as an old-fashioned and reliable bow. It is, however, a mark of personal bravery that a warrior has taken one in battle, or been considered worthy enough to have been given one of the precious weapons. These men are the most irregular of forces, unwilling to take formal army discipline, yet willing to fight like men possessed when the need arises.

In the early days of European settlement, the Native Americans were happy to work with the various foreign powers that colonized America, even forming alliances against their neighbours and other Europeans. The tribes soon became involved in trade, fought wars because of the allegiances they forged, and were forced into new alliances as old tribal enemies took up with Europeans.


Can guard
Can hide in buildings
Can hide in light scrub
Can hide in long grass
Can hide in woodland
Can skirmish
Grappling hooks
Paths seldom trod
Remains hidden whilst walking
Resistant to heat fatigue

Technological abilities

Light infantry tactics
Volley fire

Available for:

Aus native american musketeer icon infm.png Fra native american musketeer icon infm.png Bri native american musketeer icon infm.png Mar native american musketeer icon infm.png Ott native american musketeer icon infm.png
Austria France Great Britain Maratha Confederacy Ottoman Empire
Pol native american musketeer icon infm.png Pru native american musketeer icon infm.png Rus native american musketeer icon infm.png Fra native american musketeer icon infm.png Swe native american musketeer icon infm.png
Poland-Lithuania Prussia Russia Spain Sweden
Unp native american musketeer icon infm.png
United Provinces

Unit is available when holding a region in the Americas.