Total War: ATTILA Terry

Here are the guides for the Terry tool for the Total War: ATTILA Assembly Kit. Please be sure to start with the overview guide on this page.




09 April 2015




The following is an overview of the different components used to create battlefields, including the name\path for the corresponding data. The guide focuses on the creation of the main battle tile maps which define the entire battle map derived from the campaign map, most of the info is also relevant to creating a small map such as a historical battle.


Names and paths for battle map data:


Tiles (TEd\Photoshop)

Path: raw_data\terrain\tiles\battle\...

File(s): height_map.png, blend_map.tif

Tiles are made up from height map, blend map and rigid models (trees, rocks, buildings, props) which are used to represent the terrain on the battlefields.


Terrain Textures (Photoshop) (not included in raw data, but contained in working data pack)

Path: raw_data\terrain\textures\battle\...

File(s): ( ARGB 32 bpp unsigned, MIPs)

, 0_su_normal.tga

The terrain textures are combined with the tile blend map to display textures on the battlefield.


Tile Database (XMLs)

Path: working_data\terrain\tiles\battle\_tile_database\...

File(s): tile_name.xml

The Tile Database stores the data required to display the tiles in game.  This includes the RGB values, the textures used, and any link data.



Tile Map (Photoshop)

Path: raw_data\terrain\tiles\battles\...

File(s): tile_map.png,

The tile map image uses RGB combined with the tile database to display all of the tiles together on the battlefield.


Low Frequency (Terry\Photoshop)

Path: raw_data\terrain\tiles\battles\...

File(s): lf_heights.tif

The low frequency height map image is used to create the large scale height across multiple tiles on the battlefield.


No Go Map (Photoshop)

Path: raw_data\terrain\tiles\battles\...

File(s): ( ARGB 32 bpp unsigned, no MIPs)

The no go map image is used to validate battlefield locations. It can be used to stop battles occurring in undesirable\invalid locations in combination with the battle catchment XML.


Battle Catchment Spec (XML)

Path: editor_working_data\Terry\...

File(s): bca_generation_spec.xml

A catchment is a square area on the map that defines the type of battle that can take place in a specific location. The battle catchment spec defines a list of rules to create catchments for each of the battle types. In addition to this there are specific rules for creating deployment zones for certain battle types (coastal & river battles).


Climate Map (Photoshop)

Path: raw_data\terrain\tiles\battles\...

File(s): climate_map.png

The climate map uses RGB values to define the climate for the corresponding area of tile map on the battlefield.


Dominant Culture Map (Photoshop)

Path: raw_data\terrain\tiles\battles\...

File(s): culture_map.png

The culture map uses RGB values to define the cultural buildings for the corresponding area of tile map on the battlefield in custom battles.


Tile Upgrade List (XML)

Path: working_data\terrain\tiles\battle\...

File(s): tile_upgrades.xml

The tile upgrade xml is used to dictate the upgrade and switching order for settlements\ports on the battlefields. It also lists the RGB values for the dominant culture map used in the custom battle map (battles through the campaign map use a code driven solution).


Tile Settings (XML)

Path: working_data\terrain\tiles\battle\_tile_database\...

File(s): _settings.xml

The tile settings file contains the texture group settings. It also defines the RGB values and texture tweaks for each of the climates.


Setup New Battles Folder

Before you get stuck into making your new battle map you need to setup the basic folder structure.

  1. Create a new folder in raw_data\terrain\battles\,
  2. Name the folder.
  3. Copy the following files from an existing battles folder (e.g. olbia):
    2. climate_map.png
    3. tile_map.png
    4. lf_heights.tif
    5. lf_sea_heights.tif
    6. .terry
    1. Rename the ‘.terry’ file to match your battle map folder name,
    2. Create a new folder in working_data\terrain\battles\ with the same name as the raw data battle map folder.
    3. Now you can edit the tile_map in PS, and edit the height map in Terry. NOTE: after updating the tile_map, and before the battle is editable in Terry, it needs to be processed in BOB.