Dutch Trading Post (STW building)

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Dutch Trading Post
Requires: Produces:
  • Large Castle
  •       Port                    

*The first requirement of this building is the
acceptance of an offer to trade from visiting
Dutch Traders.                     
(Accepting means accepting Christianity.)

The Dutch Trading Post allows regular trading with the Dutch, which besides bringing an economic benefit, also allows production of both Arquebusiers and the more advanced Musketeers. Unlike the Portuguese Trading Post the Dutch Trading Post has no religious strings attached, and may be built by Christian and Buddhist alike. It also allows you to copy western gun making methods by building a Gun Factory.

Extra info:
While the samurai had experience of Chinese gunpowder weapons,including a primitive form of hand grenades seen in the hands of Korean Thunderbombers in the Mongol invasion period battles, it was the arrival of Portuguese traders that brought the arquebus into Japanese warfare. Japanese craftsmen made most of the guns used by samurai and ashigaru troops, but these weapons were copied from the samples provided by European traders. In addition, European gunpowder was regarded as being superior to the locally produced item, which means that a Trading Post is a very useful asset for an ambitious daimyo to have in his lands.

By the time the Dutch arrived in Japan, the Portuguese and the Jesuits had been there for some time. The Dutch were the same in their willingness to provide arquebuses to any daimyo who was willing to trade for them, but they differed in not bringing Roman Catholicism as “part of the package”. As a largely Protestant nation, the Dutch didn’t have quite the same religious drive to convert the world that the Jesuits brought. For the Dutch traders it was enough to make money without worrying about the souls of their customers!

There must be a Port present at the castle where a Trading Post is established. A daimyo can have either Portuguese traders or Dutchmen in his domain, but not both.