Winged Hussars (ETW unit)

Winged Hussars
Winged Hussars
Category: Cavalry
Class: Heavy Cavalry
Men: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60
Melee attack: 16
Charge bonus: 28
Defence: 17
Morale: 12
Unit limit: 10
Turns to train: 2
Recruitment cost: 1450
Upkeep cost: 430
Building (minimum level)
Etw eu town military lvl5 artillery.png

Army Board

Polish Winged Hussars make a brave sight in any battle, their wings giving them an imposing and intimidating appearance.

These troops are usually members of the nobility, for only they can afford the expense involved in being a member of this prestigious force. They are armed with long lances, sabres and pistols for fighting at close quarters. Their armour and elaborate uniforms, complete with two towering, feathered wings, set them apart from other “hussars”, and make them appear to be a kind of cuirassier to the uneducated eye. Their charge with levelled lances and fearsome appearance is enough to strike terror into many foot troops.

Historically, the Polish Winged Hussars had been inspired by the successes of the Hungarian hussars. Over the centuries since their establishment, they became a heavier, armoured force and, if possible, even more convinced of their elite status. The truth was somewhat different: as the 18th Century dawned, the Winged Hussars were outmoded and, in the face of disciplined firepower, no longer quite as effective as they had once been.


Inspires nearby units
Paths seldom trod

Technological abilities

Wedge formation
Diamond formation

Available for:

Pol euro polish winged hussars icon cavl.png

External links