Subadar's Council (ETW building)

Subadar's Council
Category: Government
Form: Constitutional Monarchy
Level: 3
Turns to build: 5
Building cost: 3000
Subadar's Council
Etw ind city government lvl3.png

Thakur's Council
Etw ind city government lvl52.png

Assembly of Taluqdars

An imposing meeting place for the “great and good” to offer their advice to the local governor, and influence the course of local politics.

The monarch acts within the law and with the consent of the governed in a constitutional monarchy. This is what distinguishes the system from the crude absolutism of rule by the sovereign’s whims and foibles: laws limit what the Crown can do, what taxes can be levied, and how the people can be treated. In such a system, it is wise for the people to be consulted, and to be seen to be consulted, even if the sovereign’s appointed governors actually make the decisions. Often, executive power is handed down to a local council of worthies: men wealthy and well connected enough to have a stake in the survival of the state. They can be trusted to act loyally, in the best interests of the monarch, themselves and the people.

Historically, appointed governors often took it upon themselves to select local men to advise them about local matters. For example, there was a tradition in English colonies overseas for landowners to offer their services and best advice to the London-appointed governors, whether it was welcome or not!