Régiments Étrangers (ETW unit)

Régiments Étrangers
Régiments Étrangers
Category: Infantry
Class: Line Infantry
Men: 40 / 80 / 120 / 160
Range: 70
Accuracy: 40
Reloading skill: 20
Ammunition: 15
Melee attack: 4
Charge bonus: 9
Defence: 13
Morale: 5
Unit limit: 4
Turns to build: 1
Recruitment cost: 910
Upkeep cost: 220
Building (minimum level)
Etw eu town military lvl1.png

Army Encampment
Etw eu city military lvl3.png

Military Governor's Encampment

Expatriate infantry are exiles in another nation’s service: men with nothing left to lose but their lives.

Europe is awash with exiles, the dispossessed that have taken up arms thanks to war, religious persecution and politics. Some fight to free their homelands and some because home is gone. A few fight for the romance of it all, and for glory and riches. All serve because it is a better choice than starving. Whatever their motives, expatriates are a useful source of men. If someone can carry a musket, there is a place in the ranks. There is always the suspicion that individuals who have turned their coats once may do so again, even though this is unfair to many. As a result, it is unusual for expatriates to serve under their own officers.

Despite the fact that many in the ranks are intelligent enough to act as skirmishers, expatriate infantry carry smoothbore, muzzle-loading muskets and usually fight as line infantry. It is easier to maintain discipline in such units.

Historically, expatriate infantry varied in quality. The Irish Catholic “Wild Geese” in French service fought well, especially against the English. The French Royalist “Chasseurs Britaniques” in the British army, did not relish battle and often deserted at the first opportunity.


Can guard
Can hide in woodland
Grappling hooks

Technological abilities

Plug bayonet
Ring bayonet
Socket bayonet
Chevaux de frise
Fire and advance
Fire by rank
Square formation

Available for:

Spa euro expat infantry icon infm.png

External links