Petun Wolf Warriors (ETW-WC unit)

Petun Wolf Warriors
Petun Wolf Warriors
Category: Infantry
Class: Melee Infantry
Men: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120
Melee attack: 11
Charge bonus: 10
Defence: 12
Morale: 11
Turns to build: 1
Recruitment cost: 970
Upkeep cost: 240
Etw na town spiritual lvl02.png

Shamanic Gateway

These axe-wielding warriors instil terror and can cause the enemy to rout.

The appearance of the fearsome Petun Wolf Warriors, cloaked in animal skins and daubed in war paint, is enough to put terror in the stoutest of hearts! Their tomahawks can be used in close combat or flung from afar, but the effect on an enemy’s skull will remain constant and terrible! If a warrior defeats an enemy’s courage the battle is already half won: only the messy business of hacking at the flesh remains undone.

The Petun were part of the Huron Confederacy and lived in what is now Southern Ontario. The Petun’s name comes from the tobacco plant that they cultivated, smoked and traded. Tobacco was commonly used by the Native Americans, as they believed it to be a gift from the Creator. Due to its sacred origins, tobacco was used in offerings to the spirits, charms and incantations. It was also used for medicinal purposes and smoked to mark important social occasions, deals or decisions.


Can guard
Can hide in light scrub
Can hide in long grass
Can hide in woodland
Good stamina
Grappling hooks
Paths seldom trod
Resistant to heat fatigue
Scares enemies

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Hur huron petun wolf warriors.png