Palestinian Auxiliaries (ETW unit)

Palestinian Auxiliaries
Palestinian Auxiliaries
Category: Infantry
Class: Militia
Men: 40 / 80 / 120 / 160
Range: 70
Accuracy: 35
Reloading skill: 15
Ammunition: 15
Melee attack: 6
Charge bonus: 5
Defence: 9
Morale: 8
Turns to train: 1
Recruitment cost: 950
Upkeep cost: 230
Building (minimum level)
Etw ott town military lvl32.png


These musket-armed regulars are good soldiers and, as garrison troops, are well able to keep order among the ordinary folk.

Palestinian auxiliaries would seem to be an oxymoron: high quality militia. In fact, they are extremely useful soldiers, perfectly capable of fighting by delivering volley fire and in melee also. They are, however, outmatched by regular infantry with better training and equipment, and are vulnerable to cavalry attacks as they lack the discipline to form defensive squares. However, their policing abilities more than make up for any battlefield shortcomings.

Palestine is an ancient land, although it has rarely enjoyed independence from outside control. After the Ottoman conquest of Palestine in 1516 the name disappeared from maps, and the area was referred to as the vilayet, or province, of Sayda, now Sidon in modern Lebanon. The idea of a Palestinian people, however, persisted. The Palestinians were loyal to the idea of the Ottoman Empire, and fought hard in its defence. Under Jezzar Pasha, Palestinians were among those who stubbornly held out at the Siege of Acre in 1799, forcing Napoleon Bonaparte and his French army to withdraw. This helped to bring his schemes of conquest in the Middle East to a halt.


Can guard
Can hide in light scrub
Can hide in woodland
Grappling hooks

Technological abilities

Chevaux de frise

Available for:

Ott palestinian auxiliaries icon infm2.png
Ottoman Empire

Unit is available when controlling the region of Palestine.


This unit is part of the Elite Units of the East DLC.