Muscogee Tribesmen (ETW-WC unit)

Muscogee Tribesmen
Muscogee Tribesmen
Category: Infantry
Class: Skirmishers
Men: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120
Range: 70
Accuracy: 50
Reloading skill: 25
Ammunition: 15
Melee attack: 8
Charge bonus: 6
Defence: 8
Morale: 8
Turns to build: 1
Recruitment cost: 960
Upkeep cost: 240
Etw na city market lvl22.png


These elite bowmen have honed their skills with the bow through years of practice in warfare and hunting.

Muscogee bowmen are deadly shots, capable of shooting the shiny buttons off a European soldier at one hundred paces! Their warrior spirit encourages competition, and this healthy competition encourages the warrior spirit. Trained from an early age, these men use their bows to feed their families and for protection. They are specialists in skirmish warfare, and provide assistance to the main force of the tribe, protecting against enemy skirmish attacks and harassing the foe where possible.

Historically, the Muscogee and Cherokee relationship with the European powers was a rocky one. During the French and Indian War they sided with the British, but this alliance was far from settled. As the war progressed, the conduct of British soldiers angered the Cherokee; renegade troops committed terrible crimes against Cherokee women and children when the warriors were away. This eventually prompted the Cherokee and their allies to attack the British, and their war continued until peace was declared between France and Britain in 1763. The Cherokee eventually made peace in November of that year.


Can guard
Can hide in buildings
Can hide in light scrub
Can hide in long grass
Can hide in woodland
Can skirmish
Grappling hooks
Paths seldom trod
Remains hidden whilst walking
Resistant to heat fatigue

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Che cherokee muscogee elite tribesmen.png
Cherokee Nations