Koninklijke Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart (ETW building)

Koninklijke Kweekschool
voor de Zeevaart
Category: Navy
Level: 3
Turns to build: 8
Building cost: 10000
Koninklijke Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart

This naval school produces fine naval officers for Dutch sea service.

The Dutch Navy owes its existence to the arming of Dutch trading ships in the 16th Century and earlier, often in direct contravention of orders from their Spanish overlords. The independently-minded Dutch were not minded to take much notice of such instructions. A centralised navy, dedicated solely to warfare, could trace its origins back to 1488, and had managed to dominate the seas for much of that time.

A formal training system for officers, however, had to wait until 1785 when this land-based training establishment was opened. Before that, officers had learned their trade at sea, in a very practical way. The whole business was formalised under the short-live Republic of Batavia (1795-1806), although by this time maritime supremacy had passed to the British Royal Navy. Nevertheless, the Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart was one of the most prestigious naval schools, and produced fine officers.

Unique building to: United Provinces

This building can only be built in the faction capital.

External links