Warrior Society (ETW-WC building)

Warrior Society
Category: Military
Level: 3
Turns to build: 5
Building cost: 2000
Warrior Society
Etw na town horse lvl01.png

Warrior Lodge
Gun Dealing
Gun Dealing
Hunting Techniques
Hunting Techniques
Etw na town horse lvl02.png


A warrior society allows the recruitment of military units and adds to the experience of bow-armed units.

There is no greater measure of a man than how he handles himself in warfare; it is an honourable pursuit for a Native American. When needed, peasants and farmers can take up arms to fight for survival, but real warriors are needed if there is to be any proper defence against invaders. A warrior society instils a sense of courage and honour in the tribe’s fighters, as well as laying the groundwork for training in the arts of ambushing.

Warrior societies played an important role in tribal life. They provided warriors with a social structure and gave them prestige within the tribe. Each society had its own distinctive rituals and encouraged bravery through rivalry with other societies and the promise of higher society rank. Although these positions provided great respect and privileges they also came with huge personal sacrifices for an individual. A ‘bear-belt wearer’ in the Big Dog Society of the Crow, for example, was expected to walk straight up to the enemy during battle and never, ever retreat no matter what happened.