Total War WARHAMMER Easter Eggs
Here at Creative Assembly, some of the developers painted some Total War: WARHAMMER themed eggs along with some back stories.
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The Eggxorcism

A peculiar "stone" was discovered by a peasant on the borders of Reikland. A lone Warrior Priest was sent to invest-egg-gate the smooth grey rock that was said to shriek wildly at night and stop the hearts of any villagers that heard its pained howls. When he recognized the wails of the tomb banshee he raised his hammer to strike the egg and perform his eggxorcism...
Dwarfen Mineral Egg

The undefeated Dwarf Angel’s armours are made of a special mineral giving them that extra edge in long lasting wars. Sturdier than normal metal, this rare magical material’s location is a secret extremely well hidden only known to the Dwarf Angel’s.
A mighty Dwarf Hammerer from the long forgotten hold of Karak Hen, famed for its unusual but impressive six domed adjoining halls. Ebbert wields the infamous Hammer of Spoon and on many an occasion races to destroy the pesky Goblins that shell the walls with their artillery.
Eggbert Shell Breaker

A mighty Dwarf Hammerer from the long forgotten hold of Karak Hen, famed for its unusual but impressive six domed adjoining halls. Ebbert wields
the infamous Hammer of Spoon and on many an occasion races to destroy the pesky Goblins that shell the walls with their artillery.
Eggbert vows never to be beaten by the green hordes and takes great pleasure in poaching and hording the treasures he finds within the Old World. For he is like all Dwarfs, hard to crack on the outside but has a soft centre when it comes to gold.
Von Carstein's Resurr-egg-sion

Having hatched their grand scheme in centuries past, the Von Carsteins laid their plans in secret and had beak-eeping themselves away from prying eyes but now the time has come to stop scratching in the dirt and raise up those who were buried sunny side DOWN! Having been cooped upon Sylvania for so long, they take flight on dark wings and the cockcrows will fall silent after that last dawn. Their powers are drawn from the first ne-crow-mancer and in sere voices they sometimes whisper the name… N-EGG-ASH!"
Egg-cerpt from from The Book Of The Eggd, by Abdul ben Rashid, translated from the Arabic by Hen-rich Kluck-mler.