Sassanid Empire (TWA faction)

“The Sassanids are the latest in a line of Persian empires stretching back almost 1,000 years.”
Sassanid vassals consolidated their power in Fars before seizing control of the Parthian Empire. Since then, their lean, centralised administration has revitalised and expanded its boundaries. Such prominence inevitably attracts opposition, however, and the Sassanids now find themselves in a delicate situation. Forces from without threaten their control of the Silk Road, while the Eastern Romans undermine them even in times of peace. Yet the Sassanids cannot be slowed by such things. As their claim to the throne is rooted in military prowess it is imperative that their recent conquests continue, lest control be wrested from Persian hands once more.
Beginning the campaign with a number of satrapies under its control, the Sassanid Empire enjoys an impressive recruitment base and level of income, and stands ready to expand. An educated people, the Sassanids understand well the link between cleanliness and health, and plan their capitals around the provision of sanitation.