Local Fishery (ETW-WC building)

Local Fishery
Category: Port - Fish
Level: 0
Turns to build: 3
Building cost: 400
Local Fishery
Etw na resource fishery lvl02.png

Fishing Fleet

Fishing is an activity undertaken by all members of the tribe, using a variety of tools and techniques.

Like many aspects of the Native American way of life, fishing is dependent upon the seasons. Ice fishing in winter is a cold, lonely and slow business compared to using nets and lures in spring. The arrival of fish off the coast and in rivers is also tied to the passing seasons.

Fish often play a key part in mythology, none more than the salmon. One tale tells of a salmon becoming involved in a contest for a chief’s daughter. The contest saw the salmon break a set of elk antlers into pieces to win the hand of the young maiden.