Jesuit College (ETW building)

Jesuit College
Category: Religion
Level: 1
Turns to build: 2
Building cost: 750
Jesuit College
Etw eu town education lvl1 religious.png

Church School
Etw eu town education lvl3 religious.png


The Catholic Church has educated the social elite for many centuries, and the Society of Jesus provides a vigorous training for young minds.

Originally formed as the Church’s “shock troops” of the Counter-Reformation, the Jesuits have long used education as a weapon in their struggle against Protestant heresy. Their colleges give Catholic students an excellent grounding in many disciplines, as well as making sure that their faith is certain and sure. A few pupils receive scholarships or charity, but the majority of them are the children of the social elites in Catholic nations. Jesuit Colleges have an essentially conservative bent, and exist to confirm the existing political and social order (and the Church’s over-arching authority) in the minds of the students, not make them question the world.

The Society of Jesus has a long tradition of intellectual excellence, a legacy of its duty to debate with Protestant reformers of the Church. Many of the Vatican’s best scientists and thinkers have been found among its ranks. The Jesuits also have a long tradition of educating the laity, and still provide a secular and religious education that is the equal of any other in the world.