1st Hussars (NTW unit)

1st Hussars
1st Hussars
Category: Cavalry
Class: Light Cavalry
Men: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60
Melee attack: 12
Charge bonus: 18
Defence: 10
Morale: 9
Unit limit: 1
Turns to train: 2
Recruitment cost: 650
Upkeep cost: 210

Hussars are an elite light cavalry force, excellent against skirmishers and artillery.

Like other light cavalrymen, hussars have speed, “dash” and an elitist attitude towards their enemies. The 1st Hussars are, without exception, superb horsemen, and all have a certain independence of spirit that makes them ideal for chasing down widely scattered men. They carry curved sabres and, even though their charge is a powerful attack, they are weak when pitted against infantry in square and against heavy cavalry units.

Austria had raised units of irregular Magyar horsemen called “huszárok” in the mid-15th Century, and they had fought bravely for Matthias Corvinus, Duke of Austria and the King of Hungary and Croatia, but it was not until the 1680s that regular hussar regiments were formed. Having proved their utility in Austrian service, other nations soon added hussars to their own armies and enthusiastically adopted hussar uniform as a fashion statement for cavalrymen.


Can hide in woodland
Good stamina
Paths seldom trod

Technological abilities

Wedge formation
Diamond formation

Available for:

Ntw austria cav light austrian 1st hussars icon.png


This unit is part of the Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars DLC. It is originally included in the Imperial Edition of the game.

External links