Total War: ATTILA KIT - Campaign Script Interface

Campaign Script interface Commands that can be called on the game_interface object to modify the state of the world.

Note: Some of this is old, and may not be in regular use anymore, so may have degraded and not work correctly – but the majority should be fine.

Command: enable_ui Description: Enable ui true|false Usage: enable_ui(true)

Command: add_restricted_building_level_record Description: Stop a building from being an building option Usage: add_restricted_building_level_record("building_key")

Command: remove_restricted_building_level_record Description: Restore a building option to default Usage: remove_restricted_building_level_record("building_key")

Command: add_restricted_building_level_record_for_faction Description: Stop a building from being an building option Usage: add_restricted_building_level_record("faction_key", "building_key")

Command: remove_restricted_building_level_record_for_faction Description: Restore a building option to default Usage: remove_restricted_building_level_record("building_key")

Command: add_custom_battlefield Description: Instead of a generated map, use a custom map for this location Usage: add_custom_battlefield(id, x, y, radius, dump_campaign?, loading screen (can be empty), script(can be empty string), battle path (can be empty string), human alliance (0 or 1, required for scripted battles, use any value for non-scripted), launch_battle_immediately (exit campaign without saving), is_land_battle (only used when launching battle without campaign pending battle))

Command: remove_custom_battlefield Description: Remove a custom map Usage: remove_custom_battlefield(id)

Command: add_visibility_trigger Description: Set up a visibility trigger for a player faction, used with LocationUnveiled Usage: add_visibility_trigger(x, y, "faction_key")

Command: remove_visibility_trigger Description: Remove a visibility trigger Usage: remove_visibility_trigger(x, y, "faction_key")

Command: add_location_trigger Description: Set up a location trigger for a piece belonging to a faction, used with LocationEntered Usage: add_location_trigger(x, y, radius, "faction_key")

Command: remove_location_trigger Description: Remove up a location trigger, used with LocationEntered Usage: add_location_trigger(x, y, radius, "faction_key")

Command: disable_elections Description: Remove elections from the game Usage: disable_elections(true/false)

Command: set_zoom_limit Description: Limit the max camera angle. The higher the number the lower the camera. Usage: set_zoom_limit(max_radian_from_vertical, min_radian_from_vertical)

Command: register_movies Description: Kicks off a movie next change over Usage: register_movies("path_to_movie")

Command: add_exclusion_zone Description: AI will not enter this area, use nil for all AI faction Usage: add_exclusion_zone(left, top, right, bottom, exclude_armies, exclude_navies, exclude_agents, "faction_key"/nil)

Command: disable_movement_for_ai_under_shroud Description: stop ai movement if a AI character is under this player's shroud Usage: disable_movement_for_ai_under_shroud("Player_faction_key", "AI_faction_key"/context_with_faction)

Command: cancel_actions_for Description: Cancel the action for a character Usage: cancel_actions_for(context_with_character)

Command: shown_message Description: Return if any message boxes currently displayed Usage: This replaces the old CampaignUI.pending_auto_show_messages function

Command: pending_auto_show_messages Description: Return if any auto shown messages are queued Usage: This replaces the old CampaignUI.pending_auto_show_messages function

Command: compare_localised_string Description: return true if the label matches the text of a component taking localisation into account Usage: compare_localised_string(UIComponent, "label")

Command: advance_to_next_campaign Description: move onto the next stage if it exist, this info is set by the frontend Usage: advance_to_next_campaign()

Command: add_time_trigger Description: register a timer to fire in a X sec time Usage: add_time_trigger("id", time)

Command: remove_time_trigger Description: remove a time trigger Usage: remove_time_trigger("id")

Command: scroll_camera Description: scroll the camera along a spline. ScrollCamera(seconds_it_takes_to_complete, list_of_coodinates...) Usage: This replaces the old CampaignUI.ScrollCamera function

Command: scroll_camera_with_direction Description: scroll the camera along a spline. scroll_camera_with_direction(seconds_it_takes_to_complete, list_of_coodinates_with_heading...) Usage: This replaces the old CampaignUI.ScrollCamera function

Command: stop_camera Description: Stop a scrolling camera. Usage: This replaces the old CampaignUI.StopCamera function

Command: dismiss_advice Description: Dismisses advice panel in the ui Usage: This replaces the old CampaignUI.DismissAdvice function

Command: disable_movement_for_character Description: freeze a character in place, identify the character with any/all info as shown. Seperate by comma and in any order. White space are NOT ignored Usage: disable_movement_for_character("faction:f,type:t,ability:a,surname:s,forename:f,garrison:g,x:1,y:2,r:3")

Command: disable_movement_for_faction Description: freeze all characters of a faction in place Usage: disable_movement_for_faction("faction_key")

Command: show_shroud Description: disable the shroud(fog of war) Usage: show_shroud(true/false)

Command: take_shroud_snapshot Description: Take snapshot of current shroud Usage: take_shroud_snapshot()

Command: restore_shroud_from_snapshot Description: Restore snapshot of shroud Usage: restore_shroud_from_snapshot()

Command: make_neighbouring_regions_visible_in_shroud Description: make_neighbouring_regions_visible_in_shroud Usage: make_neighbouring_regions_visible_in_shroud()

Command: make_neighbouring_regions_seen_in_shroud Description: make_neighbouring_regions_seen_in_shroud Usage: make_neighbouring_regions_seen_in_shroud()

Command: make_sea_region_visible_in_shroud Description: make_sea_region_visible_in_shroud Usage: make_sea_region_visible_in_shroud("region_key")

Command: make_sea_region_seen_in_shroud Description: make_sea_region_seen_in_shroud Usage: make_sea_region_seen_in_shroud("region_key")

Command: force_diplomacy Description: Force a certain stance of a faction towards another Usage: force_diplomacy("faction_key", "target_faction", "type listed below", offer, accept)

                               "trade agreement"
                               "military access"
                               "cancel military access"
                               "state gift"
                               "join war"
                               "break trade"
                               "break alliance"
                               "non aggression pact"
                               "soft military access"
                               "cancel soft military access"
                               "defensive alliance"
                               "client state"
                               "form confederation"
                               "break non aggression pact"
                               "break soft military access"
                               "break defensive alliance"
                               "break vassal"
                               "break client state"
                               "state gift unilateral"

Command: display_turns Description: Show turn number instead of year Usage: display_turns(true/false)

Command: stop_user_input Description: disable interaction during cutscenes Usage: stop_user_input(true/false)

Command: steal_user_input Description: steal interaction Usage: steal_user_input(true/false)

Command: is_new_game Description: returns true if it's a new game Usage: is_new_game()

Command: save_named_value Description: write the a bool or int to the save game Usage: save_named_value(name, value, FileHandle)

Command: load_named_value Description: restore a named variable from the save game, if the value is not found, default is used Usage: load_named_value(name, default, FileHandle)

Command: disable_shopping_for_ai_under_shroud Description: Stop the AI from building or training when under the black shroud. This is a toggle, no need to call it every turn. Usage: disable_shopping_for_ai_under_shroud(true/false)

Command: add_settlement_model_override Description: use a different model for a settlement Usage: add_settlement_model_override("settlement_key", "model_name")

Command: add_building_model_override Description: use a different model for a slot, generated slots are named: settlement_army-admin, settlement_culture, settlement_government, settlement_navy-admin, settlement_ordnance, settlement_minor, settlement_fortification Usage: add_building_model_override("slot_key", "building_key", "model_name")

Command: remove_settlement_model_override Description: use the default model Usage: remove_settlement_model_override("settlement_key")

Command: remove_building_model_override Description: use the default model Usage: remove_building_model_override("slot_key", "building_key")

Command: optional_extras_for_episodics Description: returns extra parameters Usage: optional_extras_for_episodics()

Command: award_experience_level Description: increase the experience of an army (increase only! -ve numbers will break the game), identify the character with any/all info as shown. Seperate by comma and in any order. White space are NOT ignored Usage: award_experience_level("faction:f,type:t,ability:a,surname:s,forename:f,garrison:g,x:1,y:2,r:3", level)

Command: add_agent_experience Description: Awards experience points to a specified character Usage: add_agent_experience("faction:f,type:t,ability:a,surname:s,forename:f,garrison:g,x:1,y:2,r:3", points)

Command: enable_auto_generated_missions Description: Enable or disable non-scripted missions Usage: enable_auto_generated_missions(false/true)

Command: add_unit_model_overrides Description: Swap a model for a certain character, needs to be set up at a new session Usage: add_unit_model_overrides("faction:f,type:t,ability:a,surname:s,forename:f,garrison:g,x:1,y:2,r:3", "Name_of_model")

Command: add_attack_of_opportunity_overrides Description: Tell a certain character to always or never use attack of opportunity Usage: add_attack_of_opportunity_overrides("faction:f,type:t,ability:a,surname:s,forename:f,garrison:g,x:1,y:2,r:3", attack?)

Command: remove_attack_of_opportunity_overrides Description: Let the AI decide attack of opportunity as normal Usage: remove_attack_of_opportunity_overrides("faction:f,type:t,ability:a,surname:s,forename:f,garrison:g,x:1,y:2,r:3")

Command: register_instant_movie Description: register_instant_movie("Movie_name") Usage: can only register one at a time

Command: register_outro_movie Description: register_outro_movie("Movie_name") Usage: can only register one at a time

Command: shutdown Description: Shuts the game down Usage: shutdown

Command: show_message_event Description: Show a message event with the specified title, primary detail and secondary detail to the specified faction. The penultimate parameter indicates if this message persists in the event log. The final parameter is the message event type index, used to pick message variants with different images and other details. Usage: show_message_event("faction_key", "title_localisation_key", "primary_detail_localisation_key", "secondary_detail_localisation_key", true, 0)

Command: show_message_event_located Description: Show a message event with the specified title, primary detail, secondary detail and location to the specified faction. The penultimate parameter indicates if this message persists in the event log. The final parameter is the message event type index, used to pick message variants with different images and other details. Usage: show_message_event("faction_key", "title_localisation_key", "primary_detail_localisation_key", "secondary_detail_localisation_key", 104, 273, false, 0)

Command: grant_unit Description: Grant the local faction a unit specified by the unit key, unit created in the settlement/slot specified. Unit will only be created if their is an appropriate force in the settlement and the force has room for the unit. This command may fail in some circumstances - ask Ed Usage: grant_unit("settlement:ita_alpes_maritimes:nice", "Inf_Elite_Grenadier_Guards")

Command: force_assassination_success_for_human Description: Force the local faction to succeed at all assassinations Usage: force_assassination_success_for_human(true/false)

Command: force_garrison_infiltration_success_for_human Description: Force the local faction to succeed at all garrison infiltration Usage: force_garrison_infiltration_success_for_human(true/false)

Command: set_tax_rate Description: Set the tax rate for a faction in a governorship, for a population class, to a specific level (0-4 inclusive) Usage: set_tax_rate("france", "europe", true (use true to set lower class rate), 4) (sets the tax level for the lower class to extortionate, for the French faction in the europe governorship)

Command: exempt_region_from_tax Description: Exempt the specified region from tax (use true to exempt) Usage: exempt_region_from_tax(france, true)

Command: disable_rebellions_worldwide Description: Disable all rebellions (true to disable) Usage: disable_rebellions_worldwide(true/false)

Command: force_declare_war Description: Force faction A to declare war on faction B Usage: force_declare_war("france", "prussia")

Command: force_make_peace Description: Force faction A to declare peace with faction B Usage: force_make_peace("france", "prussia")

Command: force_add_trait Description: Grant the specified character the specified trait. If the character already has the trait, a trait point will be added. Uses standard character lookup system. Final parameter specifies whether the message is shown or not Usage: force_add_trait("faction:france,surname:Bonaparte", "C_General_Attacker_Good", true)

Command: force_add_ancillary Description: Grant the specified character the specified ancillary. Uses standard character lookup system Usage: force_add_ancillary("faction:france,surname:Bonaparte", "Anc_Balloonist")

Command: force_add_skill Description: Grant the specified character the specified skill, or adds a point if they already have it. Uses standard character lookup system Usage: force_add_trait("faction:france,surname:Bonaparte", "skill_key")

Command: add_marker Description: Add a marker at a position (x, y, z), using a specific VFX, with a specific active state. First parameter is the unique ID Usage: add_marker("test", "tutorial_vfx", 10, 50, 2)

Command: remove_marker Description: Remove the marker with the specified unique ID Usage: remove_marker("test")

Command: force_make_trade_agreement Description: Force the specified factions to have a trade agreement. If no agreement is possible, nothing will happen Usage: force_make_trade_agreement("france", "prussia")

Command: move_to Description: Move the specified character to position X, Y. Uses normal character lookup. Final parameter specified whether the command goes via the command queue Usage: move_to("faction:france,surname:619", 10, 60, true)

Command: join_garrison Description: Move the specified character to the specified garrison. Uses normal character lookup and garrison lookup. Works for armies and navies Usage: join_garrison("faction:france,surname:619", "settlement:france:paris")

Command: leave_garrison Description: Make the specified character leave his current garrison, and move to positon X, Y. Uses normal character lookup. Works for armies and navies Usage: leave_garrison("faction:france,surname:619", 50.1, -150.9)

Command: attack Description: Force a character to attack a target. Uses normal character lookup. Final parameter specified whether the command goes via the command queue Usage: move_to("faction:oda,surname:619", "faction:chosokabe,surname:7", true)

Command: seek_exchange Description: Make the first character merge with the second character. Third parameter is whether the exchange UI should appear. Final parameter specifies whether the command goes via the command queue Usage: seek_exchange("faction:france,surname:619", "faction:france,surname:620", false, true)

Command: set_looting_options_disabled_for_human Description: Disable the looting options screen for humans Usage: set_looting_options_disabled_for_human(true)

Command: disable_saving_game Description: Prevent the game from being saved Usage: disable_saving_game(true)

Command: set_non_scripted_traits_disabled Description: Prevent non scripted traits from being applied Usage: set_non_scripted_traits_disabled(true)

Command: set_non_scripted_ancillaries_disabled Description: Prevent non scripted ancillaries from being applied Usage: set_non_scripted_ancillaries_disabled(true)

Command: set_technology_research_disabled Description: Disable tech functionality in game Usage: set_technology_research_disabled(true)

Command: set_liberation_options_disabled Description: Disable the liberation feature Usage: set_liberation_options_disabled(true)

Command: set_ui_notification_of_victory_disabled Description: Disable notification of victory for the UI Usage: set_ui_notification_of_victory_disabled(true)

Command: enable_movement_for_character Description: unfreeze a character who was frozen in place, identify the character with any/all info as shown. Seperate by comma and in any order. White space are NOT ignored Usage: enable_movement_for_character("faction:f,type:t,ability:a,surname:s,forename:f,garrison:g,x:1,y:2,r:3")

Command: enable_movement_for_faction Description: unfreeze all characters of a faction Usage: enable_movement_for_faction("faction_key")

Command: create_force Description: create a navy or army at a position. Final parameter specified whether the command goes via the command queue Usage: create_force("faction_key", "unit_list", "region_key", x_position, y_position, "id", true)

Command: disable_end_turn Description: Prevent the turn from being ended Usage: disable_end_turn(true)

Command: end_turn Description: End the turn, optionally force at next opportunity Usage: end_turn(false)

Command: toggle_speedup Description: Toggle speedup Usage: toggle_speedup()

Command: speedup_active Description: Is speedup active? Usage: speedup_active()

Command: hide_character Description: Remove a character from the map but leave them alive. Final parameter specified whether the command goes via the command queue Usage: hide_character("x:-258,y:-277,r:1", true)

Command: unhide_character Description: Replace a hidden character onto the map at the specified position. Final parameter specified whether the command goes via the command queue Usage: unhide_character("faction:chosokabe,forename:2147274846", -258, -277, true)

Command: add_circle_area_trigger Description: Set up a circular area trigger, used with AreaEntered/AreaExited. name is a name for this trigger area. Multiple triggers with the same name act as a single trigger. Usage: add_circle_area_trigger(x, y, radius, "name", "filter", trigger_on_enter, trigger_on_exit, trigger_once_only)

Command: add_outline_area_trigger Description: Set up an area trigger, used with AreaEntered/AreaExited. name is a name for this trigger area. Multiple triggers with the same name act as a single trigger. Usage: add_outline_area_trigger("name", "filter", trigger_on_enter, trigger_on_exit, trigger_once_only, list_of_coordinates...)

Command: remove_area_trigger Description: Remove the names area trigger. Usage: remove_area_trigger("name")

Command: dismiss_advice_at_end_turn Description: Set whether or not advice should be dismissed on ending turn. Usage: dismiss_advice_at_end_turn(false)

Command: disable_shortcut Description: Disable or enable a shortcut. Usage: disable_shortcut("object_id", "function_id", true)

Command: apply_effect_bundle Description: Apply an effect bundle to a faction for a number of turns (-1 turns means indefinitely). Usage: apply_effect_bundle("effect_bundle_key", "faction_key", turns)

Command: remove_effect_bundle Description: Remove a previously applied effect bundle from a faction Usage: remove_effect_bundle("effect_bundle_key", "faction_key")

Command: apply_effect_bundle_to_force Description: Apply an effect bundle to a military force (by cqi) for a number of turns (-1 turns means indefinitely). Usage: apply_effect_bundle("effect_bundle_key", 58 /*force cqi*/, turns)

Command: remove_effect_bundle_from_force Description: Remove a previously applied effect bundle from a military force (by cqi) Usage: remove_effect_bundle("effect_bundle_key", 58 /*force cqi*/)

Command: apply_effect_bundle_to_region Description: Apply an effect bundle to a region (by key) for a number of turns (-1 turns means indefinitely). Usage: apply_effect_bundle("effect_bundle_key", /*region key*/, turns)

Command: remove_effect_bundle_from_region Description: Remove a previously applied effect bundle from a region (by key) Usage: remove_effect_bundle("effect_bundle_key", /*region key*/)

Command: apply_effect_bundle_to_characters_force Description: Apply an effect bundle to a characters military force (by character cqi) for a number of turns (-1 turns means indefinitely). Usage: apply_effect_bundle("effect_bundle_key", 58 /*character cqi*/, turns)

Command: remove_effect_bundle_from_characters_force Description: Remove a previously applied effect bundle from a characters military force (by character cqi) Usage: remove_effect_bundle("effect_bundle_key", 58 /*character cqi*/)

Command: create_agent Description: create an agent at a position. Final parameter specified whether the command goes via the command queue Usage: create_force("faction_key", "agent_key", x_position, y_position, "id", true)

Command: instantly_dismantle_building Description: Dismantle the building in the specified slot Usage: instantly_dismantle_building("slot_key")

Command: win_next_autoresolve_battle Description: The specified faction will win the next autoresolve battle Usage: win_next_autoresolve_battle("faction_key")

Command: modify_next_autoresolve_battle Description: The next autoresolve battle will add this modifier to the win chance and casualties Usage: modify_next_autoresolve_battle("attacker win chance, defender win chance, attacker losses modifier (soldiers), defender losses modifier (soldiers), force wipe out loser)")

Command: replenish_action_points Description: Replenish action points for the specified character Usage: replenish_action_points("faction:chosokabe,forename:2147274846")

Command: zero_action_points Description: Zero action points for the specified character Usage: zero_action_points("faction:chosokabe,forename:2147274846")

Command: override_ui Description: Enable or disable the specified ui override Usage: override_ui("disable_end_turn", true)

Command: kill_character Description: Kill a character Second parameter indicates whether to destroy the commanded military force (if any). Final parameter specified whether the command goes via the command queue Usage: kill_character("faction:chosokabe,forename:2147274846", true, true)

Command: force_agent_action_success_for_human Description: Force the local faction to succeed at all agent actions Usage: force_agent_action_success_for_human(true/false)

Command: instantly_repair_building Description: Repair the building in the specified slot Usage: instantly_repair_building("slot_key")

Command: render_campaign_to_file Description: Render campaign game to a set of tga files, enable_campaign_render_to_file must be defined in user script Usage: render_campaign_to_file("output_folder", "frame_name", frames_per_second, motion_blur_frames, duration(seconds))

Command: force_character_force_into_stance Description: Forces a character's military force into a military force stance. Second parameter is the stance type Usage: force_character_force_into_stance("faction:chosokabe,forename:2147274846", "MILITARY_FORCE_ACTIVE_STANCE_TYPE_AMBUSH")

Command: model Description: Returns a script interface to the campaign model. Usage: model()

Command: set_region_abandoned Description: Set a region as abandoned, already abandoned regions will do nothing Usage: set_region_abandoned(REGION_KEY)

Command: override_attacker_win_chance_prediction Description: Set the attackers predicted win chance percentage. This will not change the result. Usage: override_attacker_win_chance_prediction(prediction percentage)

Command: force_break_alliance Description: Force faction A to break its alliance (defensive or military) with faction B Usage: force_break_alliance("france", "prussia")

Command: force_break_defensive_alliance Description: Force faction A to break its defensive alliance with faction B Usage: force_break_defensive_alliance("france", "prussia")

Command: force_break_military_alliance Description: Force faction A to break its military alliance with faction B Usage: force_break_military_alliance("france", "prussia")

Command: force_break_non_aggression_pact Description: Force faction A to break its non-aggression pact with faction B Usage: force_break_non_aggression_pact("france", "prussia")

Command: set_faction_name_override Description: Set faction name override Usage: set_faction_name_override("faction", "localised_string_key")

Command: set_faction_summary_override Description: Set faction name set_faction_summary_override Usage: set_faction_summary_override("faction", "localised_string_key")

Command: add_unit_to_force Description: Add a unit to a military force. Usage: add_unit_to_force("unit_key", /*force_cqi*/)

Command: add_prestige Description: Add prestige to a faction. Usage: add_prestige("faction", "prestige_type", /*prestige_value*/)

Command: transfer_region_to_faction Description: Transfer a region ownership to a faction. Usage: transfer_region_to_faction("region", "faction")

Command: trigger_custom_mission Description: Start a player mission Usage: trigger_custom_mission("mission_key", "mission_issuer_key", "faction_key", turn_limit, "objectives", reward)

Command: cancel_custom_mission Description: Cancel a player mission Usage: cancel_custom_mission("faction_key", "mission_key")

Command: override_mission_succeeded_status Description: Override mission succeeded status on a player mission (if it can be overridden). Passing true will set the succeeded flag to true; passing false will cancel the mission Usage: override_mission_succeeded_status("faction_key", "mission_key", "success_status")

Command: trigger_dilemma Description: trigger the dilemma associated with the given key Usage: trigger_dilemma("faction_key", "dilemma key")

Command: trigger_mission Description: trigger the dilemma associated with the given key Usage: trigger_mission("faction_key", "mission key")

Command: trigger_incident Description: trigger the dilemma associated with the given key Usage: trigger_incident("faction_key", "incident key")

Command: trigger_custom_dilemma Description: Start a player dilemma Usage: trigger_custom_dilemma("faction_key", "dilemma_record_key", "first_choice_payload", "second_choice_payload")

Command: grant_faction_handover Description: Hand over faction to control of another Usage: grant_faction_handover("recipient", "handed_over", first_possible_turn, last_possible_turn, context_if_avaliable)

Command: set_campaign_ai_force_all_factions_boardering_humans_to_have_invasion_behaviour Description: Force minor (non-rebel) factions to have the region group expansion behaviour if they boarder player owned territory. Usage: set_campaign_ai_force_all_factions_boardering_humans_to_have_invasion_behaviour(true/false)

Command: set_campaign_ai_force_all_factions_boardering_human_vassals_to_have_invasion_behaviour Description: Force minor (non-rebel) factions to have the region group expansion behaviour if they boarder player protected factions. Usage: set_campaign_ai_force_all_factions_boardering_human_vassals_to_have_invasion_behaviour(true/false)

Command: technology_osmosis_for_playables_enable_culture Description: Enable tech osmosis for playable factions of the specific culture Usage: technology_osmosis_for_playables_enable_culture(culture_key)

Command: technology_osmosis_for_playables_enable_all Description: Enable tech osmosis for playable factions Usage: technology_osmosis_for_playables_enable_all()

Command: force_make_vassal Description: Force a faction to become the master of another faction Usage: force_make_vassal("france", "prussia") (force france to be the master of prussia)

Command: force_rebellion_in_region Description: Force a rebellion of a specified size in the specified region Usage: force_rebellion_in_region("france", 10, "unit_list", x, y, false) (force a rebellion in france with 10 units, don't suppress message)

Command: treasury_mod Description: modify the specified faction's treasury by the specified amount Usage: treasury_mod("faction_key", amount)

Command: lock_technology Description: Lock a technology and all children Usage: lock_technology("faction_key", "technology_key")

Command: unlock_technology Description: unlock a technology and all children Usage: unlock_technology("faction_key", "technology_key")

Command: set_general_offered_dilemma_permitted Description: Enable or disable the general offered dilemma Usage: set_general_offered_dilemma_permitted(true)

Command: instant_set_building_health_percent Description: Alter building health Usage: instant_set_building_health_percent(region key, building level or chain key, health percent)

Command: make_son_come_of_age Description: Make a character come of age Usage: make_son_come_of_age(character_lookup_string)

Command: allow_player_to_embark_navies Description: Set whether the player is allowed to embark armies and agents onto navies Usage: allow_player_to_embark_navies(true)

Command: force_change_cai_faction_personality Description: Force faction X to take on DB defined personality Y Usage: force_change_cai_faction_personality("takeda", "random")

Command: set_ignore_end_of_turn_public_order Description: Set whether we ignore end of turn public order being negative to have riots or rebellions - default false, ie must be negative at end of turn Usage: set_ignore_end_of_turn_public_order(true)

Command: set_only_allow_basic_recruit_stance Description: Stops military forces automatically enter non default recruitment stances. Usage: set_only_allow_basic_recruit_stance(true)

Command: set_imperium_level_change_disabled Description: Disable all imperium level changes Usage: set_imperium_level_change_disabled(true)

Command: set_character_experience_disabled Description: Set whether we ignore character experience for all character types false Usage: set_character_experience_disabled(true)

Command: set_character_skill_tier_limit Description: Set limit on tiers available in skill tree Usage: set_character_skill_tier_limit(value) - 0 is first available level, etc

Command: set_event_generation_enabled Description: Set whether event generation is enabled Usage: set_event_generation_enabled(value)

Command: autosave_at_next_opportunity Description: Set to autosave when next possible Usage: autosave_at_next_opportunity()

Command: add_event_restricted_unit_record Description: Prevent a unit from being recruited until a scripted event has occurred Usage: add_event_restricted_unit_record("unit_record")

Command: remove_event_restricted_unit_record Description: Remove a restriction added by 'add_event_restricted_unit_record' Usage: remove_event_restricted_unit_record("unit_record")

Command: add_event_restricted_unit_record_for_faction Description: Prevent a unit from being recruited until a scripted event has occurred. Restriction only applies to specified faction Usage: add_event_restricted_unit_record("unit_record", "faction_key")

Command: remove_event_restricted_unit_record_for_faction Description: Remove a restriction added by 'add_event_restricted_unit_record_for_faction' Usage: remove_event_restricted_unit_record_for_faction("unit_record", "faction_key")

Command: add_event_restricted_building_record Description: Prevent a building from being build until a scripted event has occurred Usage: add_event_restricted_building_record("building_record")

Command: remove_event_restricted_building_record Description: Remove a restriction added by 'add_event_restricted_building_record' Usage: remove_event_restricted_building_record("building_record")

Command: add_event_restricted_building_record_for_faction Description: Prevent a building from being build until a scripted event has occurred. Restriction only applies to specified faction Usage: add_event_restricted_building_record_for_faction("building_record", "faction_key")

Command: remove_event_restricted_building_record_for_faction Description: Remove a restriction added by 'add_event_restricted_building_record_for_faction' Usage: remove_event_restricted_building_record_for_faction("building_record", "faction_key")

Command: set_ai_uses_human_display_speed Description: Limit tick speedup for visible characters, making AI use lower speed as if the human's turn Usage: set_ai_uses_human_display_speed(value)

Command: set_public_order_of_province_for_region Description: Set public order value for province this region is in Usage: set_public_order_of_province_for_region(region_key, order)

Command: set_public_order_disabled_for_province_for_region Description: Set public order disabled for province for region Usage: set_public_order_disabled_for_province_for_region(region_key, is_disabled)

Command: make_region_visible_in_shroud Description: Uncover shroud for region Usage: make_region_visible_in_shroud(faction_key, region_key)

Command: make_region_seen_in_shroud Description: Uncover shroud for region Usage: make_region_seen_in_shroud(faction_key, region_key)

Command: add_development_points_to_region Description: Add development points to a region Usage: add_development_points_to_region(region_key, num_points)

Command: cai_strategic_stance_manager_block_all_stances_but_that_specified_towards_target_faction Description: cai_strategic_stance_manager_block_all_stances_but_that_specified_towards_target_faction Usage: cai_strategic_stance_manager_block_all_stances_but_that_specified_towards_target_faction("stance_managing_faction_key", "target_faction_key", "stance_type")

Command: cai_strategic_stance_manager_promote_specified_stance_towards_target_faction Description: cai_strategic_stance_manager_promote_specified_stance_towards_target_faction Usage: cai_strategic_stance_manager_promote_specified_stance_towards_target_faction("stance_managing_faction_key", "target_faction_key", "stance_type")

Command: cai_strategic_stance_manager_promote_specified_stance_towards_target_faction_by_number Description: cai_strategic_stance_manager_promote_specified_stance_towards_target_faction_by_number Usage: cai_strategic_stance_manager_promote_specified_stance_towards_target_faction_by_number("stance_managing_faction_key", "target_faction_key", "stance_type_number")

Command: cai_strategic_stance_manager_force_stance_update_between_factions Description: cai_strategic_stance_manager_force_stance_update_between_factions Usage: cai_strategic_stance_manager_force_stance_update_between_factions("stance_managing_faction_key", "target_faction_key")

Command: cai_strategic_stance_manager_set_stance_promotion_between_factions_for_a_given_stance Description: cai_strategic_stance_manager_set_stance_promotion_between_factions_for_a_given_stance Usage: cai_strategic_stance_manager_set_stance_promotion_between_factions_for_a_given_stance("stance_managing_faction_key", "target_faction_key", "stance_type_number", "start_round", "start_level", "end_round", "end_level")

Command: cai_strategic_stance_manager_clear_all_promotions_between_factions Description: cai_strategic_stance_manager_clear_all_promotions_between_factions Usage: cai_strategic_stance_manager_clear_all_promotions_between_factions("stance_managing_faction_key", "target_faction_key")

Command: cai_strategic_stance_manager_set_stance_blocking_between_factions_for_a_given_stance Description: cai_strategic_stance_manager_set_stance_blocking_between_factions_for_a_given_stance Usage: cai_strategic_stance_manager_set_stance_blocking_between_factions_for_a_given_stance("stance_managing_faction_key", "target_faction_key", "stance_type_number", "final_inclusive_blocking_round")

Command: cai_strategic_stance_manager_clear_all_blocking_between_factions Description: cai_strategic_stance_manager_clear_all_blocking_between_factions Usage: cai_strategic_stance_manager_clear_all_blocking_between_factions("stance_managing_faction_key", "target_faction_key")

Command: faction_offers_peace_to_other_faction Description: faction_offers_peace_to_other_faction Usage: faction_offers_peace_to_other_faction("proposer_key", "reciever_key")

Command: disable_pathfinding_restriction Description: disable_pathfinding_restriction Usage: disable_pathfinding_restriction(id)

Command: set_character_immortality Description: set_character_immortality Usage: set_character_immortality(character_lookup_string, is_immortal)

Command: spawn_character_into_family_tree Description: spawn_character_into_family_tree Usage: spawn_character_into_family_tree(faction, forename_key, family_name_key, clan_name_key, other_name_key, age, male, father_lookup, mother_lookup, is_immortal, art_set_id, make_heir)

Command: appoint_character_to_most_expensive_force Description: appoint_character_to_most_expensive_force Usage: appoint_character_to_most_expensive_force(character_lookup_string)

Command: infect_force_with_plague Description: infect_force_with_plague Usage: infect_force_with_plague(<plague_key>, character_lookup_string)

Command: infect_region_with_plague Description: infect_region_with_plague Usage: infect_region_with_plague(<plague_key>, <region_key>)

Command: play_movie_in_ui Description: play_movie_in_ui Usage: appoint_character_to_most_expensive_force(att_seal_3)

Command: play_sound Description: Plays a sound Usage: play_sound(sound_event)

Command: stop_sound Description: Stops a sound Usage: stop_sound(sound_event)

Command: set_volume Description: Sets a volume Usage: set_volume(volume_type, amount)

Command: fade_volume Description: Fades a volume Usage: fade_volume(volume_type, amount, time)