Native Bowmen Auxiliary (ETW unit)

Native Bowmen Auxiliary
Native Bowmen Auxiliary
Category: Infantry
Class: Skirmishers
Men: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80
Range: 100
Accuracy: 30
Reloading skill: 10
Ammunition: 20
Melee attack: 2
Charge bonus: 3
Defence: 2
Morale: 4
Turns to train: 1
Recruitment cost: 920
Upkeep cost: 230
Building (minimum level)
European, Middle Eastern
Etw eu city government lvl1.png

Etw ind city government lvl1.png

Zamindar's Court

These tribal warriors are willing to fight for foreign powers, but at a price.

The bow is a practical tool: it puts food in bellies as well as killing enemies. A skilled bowman can stalk his prey (man or beast) in utter silence, before killing with a well-aimed shot of a broad-headed arrow, designed to cause massive bleeding. In the time it takes to fire and reload a musket, a good bowman can fire half a dozen aimed shots, and probably have moved to better ground while doing so.

In the early days of their contact with the various foreign powers that colonized America, the tribes were glad to co-operate with them, and formed alliances with the French, British and Dutch. The tribes soon became involved in trade, and often ended up fighting proxy wars on behalf of their allies.


Can guard
Can hide in buildings
Can hide in light scrub
Can hide in long grass
Can hide in woodland
Can skirmish
Good stamina
Grappling hooks
Paths seldom trod
Remains hidden whilst walking
Resistant to heat fatigue

Available for:

Aus native american musketeer icon infb.png Fra native american musketeer icon infb.png Mar native american musketeer icon infb.png Ott native american musketeer icon infb.png Pol native american musketeer icon infb.png
Austria France Maratha Confederacy Ottoman Empire Poland-Lithuania
Pru native american musketeer icon infb.png Rus native american musketeer icon infb.png Fra native american musketeer icon infb.png Swe native american musketeer icon infb.png Unp native american musketeer icon infb.png
Prussia Russia Spain Sweden United Provinces

Unit is available when holding a region in the Americas.