TWWAKT The Editor Interface

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The Editor is divided into a number of draggable and dockable windows which are highly customisable.

1. The Scene Hierarchy View - Stores all the objects in the current map

2. The Entity Properties Window - Shows the properties of any selected entities in the scene

3. Map Properties - Shows the current map properties

4. Window Tabs - Windows can be docked together and tabbed between

5. The Viewport - The 3D representation of the battle

6. The File Menu

7. Tabbed Toolbars

Opening Toolbars

To open a toolbar, go to the File Menu and select View -> Toolbar

Selecting any of these toolbar options will cause them to toggle. You can also bring up the toolbar menu by Right-Clicking on any open toolbar. All tools mentioned in this guide and elsewhere, can also be opened via the 'Tools' menu

Dragging and Docking Windows

To drag a window out, hover the mouse over its Title Bar and Click and Drag. The window will detach from the editor and float freely.

To dock the window simply drag it onto one of the docking icons which appear on the editor when you're dragging.